Understanding Water Treatment Systems: Ensuring Clean and Safe Water

July 18, 2024

The importance of clean water in homes cannot be overstated. Every aspect of human life relies on access to clean water — from cooking and drinking to showering and cleaning. Remarkably, the human body itself is composed of 60% water, which needs constant replenishment. However, increasing pollution and environmental contamination have made tap water less reliable for safe consumption. As a result, more households are turning to home water treatment systems to ensure access to clean and safe water. Here’s what you need to know about these systems. Understanding Water Quality Before diving into home water

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How Your HVAC System Can Help With Wildfire Season

July 10, 2024

Wildfires are becoming increasingly common and creating serious issues for people in many different parts of the country. It isn’t just wildfires near your home that you need to worry about. The smoky air from wildfires can travel hundreds or thousands of miles. The concern is that wildfire smoke creates serious air quality issues since it contains fine particles that are unhealthy to breathe in. These particles can lead to your eyes and nose running and even cause bronchitis. Smoky air is especially a concern to people with chronic lung or heart disease since it can exacerbate these illnesses and

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Garbage Disposal Maintenance Tips for a Smoother Kitchen Experience

June 12, 2024

If your kitchen has a garbage disposal, you can mulch and cut up soft food waste instead of filling up trash bags. The waste is liquefied and sent down the drainpipe, which ensures easy disposal. However, the components that make up a disposal can become clogged or damaged if they aren’t properly maintained. Follow these maintenance tips to avoid clogs and other issues. How Garbage Disposals Work Once a garbage disposal is installed in your home, you should see a rubber splash guard along the bottom of your sink. The numerous components that are housed

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14 Ways to Reduce Your AC Bill This Summer

June 3, 2024

Summertime in Salem, OR, is the time of year that most people look forward to scheduling vacation time and spending more time outdoors. However, one part of summer you’re likely not looking forward to is the rise in your energy bill. Fortunately, by implementing some of the tips that we’re going to go over below, you can help reduce your AC usage and lower your energy bills this summer. Block Out the Sunlight Direct sunlight can cause a tremendous increase in temperature. If you’re letting direct sunlight pour into the rooms of your home, your air

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The Environmental Impact of Your HVAC System

May 21, 2024

Many homeowners in Salem, OR are making a concerted effort to lower their carbon footprints. According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), HVAC use accounts for nearly half of the average home energy bill. Thus, if you’re trying to limit your toll on the environment, taking a closer look at your heating and cooling equipment is the best way to start. AC and Heat Pump Refrigerants: Protecting Earth’s Ozone Layer Refrigerant is the lifeblood of both heat pumps and air conditioners. It absorbs, transfers, and releases heat to alter indoor temperatures. It also

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Rooter Service Explained: When Your Plumbing Needs It

May 1, 2024

Rooter service is a routine process that helps you care for your home’s plumbing system and avoid catastrophe. The service gives you clean and clear pipes to ensure water and waste exit your home as they should. At Woodward Heating Air Plumbing, our professional plumbers recommend scheduling this routine service once a year as a preventative measure or as needed in response to an emergency plumbing issue. What Is Rooter Service? Decades ago, rooter service referred to removing tree roots and obstructions from your sewer lines, hence the apt name. Plumbers used rooter tools to clear your lines. However,

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How Your HVAC System Affects Your Spring Allergies

April 9, 2024

Spring brings warmer weather, but, for many people, it also brings sneezing and sniffling. As the temperatures in Salem rise, pollen and other allergy-inducing particles begin to fill the air. Breathing in those contaminants can lead to an array of unpleasant symptoms, including scratchy throats, stuffy noses and itchy eyes. Other effects include coughs, headaches and an overall feeling of being unwell. If it’s not in top shape, your heating and cooling system can worsen these issues. On the other hand, your HVAC system also has the potential to help you find allergy relief. Making some small

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Are Smart Thermostats Worth the Investment?

March 4, 2024

If you are a homeowner in Salem, OR, you may consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats are a revolutionary advancement in HVAC technology, designed to give users greater control over their home’s heating and cooling systems. Unlike standard or programmable thermostats, smart thermostats offer advanced features such as learning your preferences over time, adjusting to your schedule, and even detecting when you’re away from home to conserve energy. However, it’s worth noting that smart thermostats can be costly, depending on the model you select. For this reason, weighing the financial benefits against the upfront costs

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9 Reasons It’s Important to Tune-up Your HVAC Before Spring

February 15, 2024

If you live in Salem, OR, spring HVAC tune-ups are very important. They not only save you money but also ensure you can heat and cool your home without any inconveniences. If it’s been more than 12 months since your last tune-up, it’s best to go ahead and schedule one. Read on to learn about nine benefits of a spring tune-up. 1. Cleaner Air Inside the Home Pollen, mildew and dust are common pollutants that cause indoor air quality problems. By fixing problems like dirty filters and microbial growth, an HVAC tune-up in the spring

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Tips to Choose the Right HVAC System for an Oregon Winter

January 18, 2024

Normally, Oregon has a dry, hot summer and cold wet winter climate. But the weather is even worse in winter, with low temperatures and plenty of snow. In Oregon, it is common for people to use their heating system as a way of maintaining warmth throughout the home. When contemplating the installation of a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in their home, there is much for Oregon homemakers to think about. 1. Think About the Type of HVAC System The first question this winter in Oregon is, what kind of system do you

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