Signs It’s Time for an HVAC System Replacement

December 8, 2023

Because your HVAC system has a limited lifespan, you will need to replace it at some point. Of course, it can be expensive to do so, which makes it tempting to put off a full replacement for as long as possible. However, at some point, you’ll see diminishing returns from your efforts to make stopgap repairs that will only last for so long. Let’s take a look at some common signs that it’s time to splurge for a new heating or cooling system. The Current System Is Extremely Old If your current HVAC system was installed

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How repairing/servicing your fireplace can save you money in the long run

November 17, 2023

You cannot overestimate the importance of timely maintenance and repairs for your Salem fireplace. A fireplace keeps your home warm, adds ambiance, and can help mitigate energy expenses, especially if you use your fireplace in addition to or instead of your furnace. Neglecting fireplace repairs can pose significant risks, including compromising air quality and heating efficiency, and increasing the chance of fires starting in the chimney. To ensure that your fireplace functions as it should, address any repairs promptly. Keeps Your Fireplace Efficient and Safe Failing to maintain and repair your fireplace properly can result in

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How to Prepare a Furnace for Winter

October 18, 2023

As winter weather sets in around Salem, OR and nearby communities, you may be watching to see when to start your furnace for the season. Before turning on a furnace after months of disuse, make sure it is clean and safe to use. Tasks a homeowner can do to prepare a furnace for winter, including changing the filter, cleaning around the furnace, inspecting and cleaning the housing, and ensuring that vents are clean and clear. Other home maintenance tasks, such as adding insulation to the attic space, weather stripping, and sealing holes and cracks in the

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Comparing Furnace Systems and Heat Pumps

September 13, 2023

Choosing the right heating system is crucial when it comes to keeping our homes warm and comfortable. Two popular options that often arise in this decision-making process are furnace systems and heat pumps. Both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can help you make an informed choice that suits your needs and preferences. Exploring Furnace Systems Furnace systems have been the go-to choice for heating homes for many decades. These systems burn natural gas, oil, or propane to generate heat, which is distributed throughout the house. The combustion process occurs within the

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7 Things To Consider When Buying an HVAC System

August 21, 2023

Purchasing a new HVAC system is a big decision. It’s a significant investment that will determine the comfort level in your home for the next 15+ years. However, many people have little experience with buying an HVAC system since it happens so infrequently. The experts at Woodward Heating Air Plumbing have a wealth of knowledge that can help homeowners navigate the buying process. The following are seven things to consider when purchasing a new HVAC system for your home in Salem, OR. 1. Your Home’s Heating and Cooling Needs The first thing you must consider when purchasing a new

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Stay Cool at Home with AC Care

July 25, 2023

No matter how hot or cold it is outdoors, you want to be comfortable indoors. You count on your heating and cooling system to keep you that way. Giving your HVAC system regular attention can help you make sure that it runs well throughout the year. Frequent check-ins and the support of a professional HVAC team are the keys to keeping your furnace and air conditioner in top shape. Clear Your Vents Proper airflow is essential for effective HVAC operation. Without it, the warm or cool air can’t effectively move throughout your home. You won’t easily

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Ductless Air Conditioning: The Benefits and Downfalls

June 22, 2023

Here in Salem, OR, we’re fortunate that we don’t have blazingly-hot summers. As a result, plenty of the homes here weren’t built with the ductwork needed to support central air conditioning. As temperatures continue to rise, it’s getting more difficult to weather the summer without reliable air conditioning. Hotter temperatures are pushing Salem homeowners to look for ways to retrofit their homes with air conditioning systems. Fortunately, there are now ductless air conditioners that make doing so easier than ever before. However, it’s important to understand how a ductless air conditioner works along with its pros and cons before buying

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Checking Your Indoor Air Quality Is Vital

May 9, 2023

Poor indoor air quality can significantly impact your health and overall comfort. For that reason, you should consider checking the indoor air quality of your home. There are many reasons why you should schedule these inspections. Learn about the benefits of having your indoor air quality checked on a regular basis. The Risks of Poor Indoor Air Quality Poor indoor air quality is a significant concern for residential and commercial spaces. When the air inside a building is contaminated with pollutants, it can have serious health consequences for the occupants. These pollutants can come from various

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Opening Windows at Night or Running AC: Which Is Better?

April 25, 2023

When you feel a cool evening breeze outside, you might wonder: Is your home’s AC system really necessary? Many people think that shutting off the air conditioning and opening windows at night can be a great way to save on electric bills. Technically, opening your windows at night can cool your home, but it might not be as energy efficient as you hope it will be. Before you turn off your AC and fling open your windows, there are a few things you need to know. Open Windows Let Damaging Humidity Into Your Home One of

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Why It’s Vital to Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced Before Summer Arrives

March 17, 2023

It’s common for many homeowners to start planning service for their air conditioner right as summer is about to hit. While it’s extremely important to keep your air conditioner properly maintained every year, waiting for summer to arrive to get service done on the unit is not the best method. In fact, there are many reasons why early spring and even winter are the best times to schedule maintenance for your air conditioning unit. Get It Out of the Way One of the more frustrating aspects of many seasonal chores is that they’re

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