Energy Efficiency Management
When properly installed and used, programmable thermostats can save consumers up to 10 percent a year on heating and cooling bills. Programmable thermostats are designed to reflect the lifestyle of the user by heating or cooling a house when residents are home and set back the heat or air conditioning when people are away. These devices have temperature controls that result in precise energy efficiency management, with temperature accuracy within one degree.
In some models, different settings can be programmed for each day of the week. Other models provide one set of temperature controls for the weekend and another for weekdays. By programming in the temperature settings for a specific time and day, the device automatically adjusts the temperature. Several settings can be programmed for each day. Manual overrides allow you to adjust a particular setting without disrupting the programming for the rest of the day or week.
Temperature Control
A Wi-Fi programmable thermostat gives even more flexibility. It can be controlled by a smartphone or through an Internet connection. If you are going away for the weekend and forgot to set back the thermostat, no problem. An Internet programmable thermostat can be operated from any location that is connected to the web.
Programming Your Wireless Internet Thermostat
Programming your wireless Internet thermostat is straightforward. The device is designed to sense specific information about your heating and cooling system. It will detect wiring, dual fuel systems, humidifiers and other components of the system. It will also ask questions about the fuel source and how heat is delivered. Some models automatically adjust to local weather conditions for even better energy efficiency management and humidity control.
Downloadable, free apps allow mobile access for remote control of Internet programmable thermostats. Users can manage multiple thermostats from their smartphones or computer. Many include automatic software updates so that the programming for a wireless Internet thermostat is always up to date.
Some Wi-Fi thermostats have advanced settings that should be programmed by an HVAC professional. An HVAC contractor can connect the correct wires to the device and ensure that it properly recognizes elements of complex systems. Incorrect settings may cause irregular activity of heating and cooling functions. To enjoy the greatest energy savings, ask your local HVAC contractor about installing and programming your wireless Internet thermostat. Contact us today to learn more!