Choosing the Right Time to Install a New HVAC Unit

July 19, 2022

Purchasing a new HVAC unit for your Salem, OR area household is not a decision that should be taken lightly. A brand-new HVAC system is a major investment, and selecting a unit that’s a good fit for your home will make a huge difference in the long run. Which HVAC system to purchase isn’t the only important choice to make, though. You’ll also want to make sure you’re choosing the right time to have your new unit installed. Although many homeowners don’t realize it, picking a good time to invest in an HVAC system can be beneficial in several ways

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Where Is the Perfect Place for Your Thermostat?

April 14, 2022

Any long-time homeowner will tell you that many different things can affect your household heating and cooling. There are certain upkeep tasks that you must stay on top of, such as scheduling regular HVAC maintenance and swapping out dirty air filters. You also have to be proactive about getting your heating and cooling appliances the needed repairs whenever issues arise. However, even an experienced, proactive homeowner may not realize that the placement of their thermostat makes a significant difference in their home comfort. In fact, having your thermostat set up in the wrong spot can even lead to wasted energy

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8 Benefits of Hiring a Licensed HVAC Contractor

March 16, 2022

When it comes to fixing HVAC issues, some homeowners feel tempted to try DIY projects to save money. While there are a few tasks you can handle on your own, like changing air filters, significant installations, repairs, and tune-ups require professional skills. A single error can result in extensive damage. Embarking on some DIY HVAC repairs could also land you in legal trouble. In some regions, only a licensed technician can handle refrigerant. The benefits of hiring a licensed HVAC technician outweigh the savings made by doing DIY projects. If you are still undecided, check out these eight reasons why

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9 Signs That You Need to Replace Your Ductwork

October 20, 2021

The ductwork is a system that delivers cool or warm air to different rooms in your house. One end of the ductwork connects to the HVAC system while the other end connects to the registers. It plays an essential role in the health and efficiency of your HVAC unit. Since the ducts serve as the medium to deliver air, once they become defective, you could experience high-energy bills and comfort issues. Usually, the ducts pass behind walls, under the floor, or in crawlspaces, so most homeowners often forget about them until they develop significant problems. While you can repair minor

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